Information Natasha Reay Information Natasha Reay

Welcome back and update on school operations

As we start the new half term, we have the chance to reflect on the first part of this academic year. We would like to thank everyone in our school community, parents, staff and our amazing children, for working hard to keep us all safe. The return to school over the last two months was incredible and we have seen lots of fantastic learning.

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Information Natasha Reay Information Natasha Reay

Welcome to the new year

We hope that everyone has had a great and sunny summer holiday. We have had a busy few weeks. The school has been thoroughly cleaned and we have reviewed our risk assessment so that we are ready to welcome pupils next week.

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Information Tim Lings Information Tim Lings

George Floyd - Our Response

The killing of George Floyd in America has shocked us all, both here and across the world. If we had all of our classes open, we would, at this time be talking with our children about this. We want our pupils to understand how we must all make sure that we contribute to a world that is built on respect and equality.

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