George Floyd - Our Response

The killing of George Floyd in America has shocked us all, both here and across the world. If we had all of our classes open, we would, at this time be talking with our children about this. We want our pupils to understand how we must all make sure that we contribute to a world that is built on respect and equality.

We will make sure that when we return to our classrooms we continue to talk about our school value of respect and how our school must show this value through every action that we take. For now, we have placed some resources online to help parents talk through the news stories – there is a Key Stage 1 and a Key Stage 2 version.

As a school, we are committed to working with our pupils and families to combat racism and discrimination. We do this through our actions today and by giving our children the strong values that they will carry forward into adulthood.We invite parents to contact us if they would like to talk about anything that concerns them at this time.

Stay safe and keep well.

Yours sincerely,

Stephen Harris, Executive Headteacher

Shahnaz Ahmed, Head of School

Hafeez Khan, Head of School​​




World Oceans Day


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