Healthy Schools

The Healthy Schools Team would like to welcome you all back to school and hope we have a happy and healthy year ahead of us!
We believe schools have a role to play in encouraging children and young people to develop healthy living and eating habits.

Outdoor opportunities

At Heronsgate, we encourage our children to complete the Daily Mile run or take part in 5 minutes of activity every day. This helps them to keep active and also helps their concentration in class. Our Early Years children have the opportunity for lots of outdoor play and learning which keeps them very active! We have a range of sports equipment available for the children to use at break times which creates more opportunities to keep active and also develop their skills in sports such as volleyball, football and basketball.

Healthy Snacks
We like to eat healthy snacks at Heronsgate! Early Years classes have daily fruit and milk, Key Stage 1 have fruit at playtimes and we would like to take this opportunity to invite Key Stage 2 children to bring in their own piece of fruit or a yogurt tube snack, that they can consume at break time. Please do not bring any other types of unhealthy snack including biscuits or chocolate and no nuts please!
Keeping hydrated is also very important to help children focus on their learning in class. Please ensure you provide your child with a reusable water bottle every day, so they can drink this in class and at break times.

Healthy Lunches

Heronsgate encourages parents and carers who choose for their children to bring their own lunch to school, to provide them with a healthy packed lunch that complement the food standards met by our school meals. 

A packed lunch should include:

A main food option; e.g. sandwich, salad, wrap, rice, pasta.

At least one portion of fruit or vegetables; e.g. apple, orange, dried fruit, cherry tomatoes, carrot or cucumber.

An additional snack; e.g. yoghurt, cheese, crackers, cereal bar, rice cakes, popcorn.

One treat item only; e.g. Crisps, biscuit, cake.

Drink – Water only. (Fresh fruit smoothies and juices are allowed as your fruit option)

What is not allowed

  • Sweets

  • Chocolate

  • Fizzy/sugary drinks

  • Chewing Gum

  • Nuts

Birthdays/other events
As a healthy school, we are not able to distribute sweets from parents to children for their birthdays.  If you wish to bring in something to share, the class would very much appreciate a shared class book.

We also ask that parents refrain from bringing in ice-cream and snacks to the playground at the end of the day.  These can be handed out to your child once outside the school gates.


Thank you for helping our children maintain a healthy lifestyle. Please contact the school if you require any further guidance. The Healthy Schools Team will be happy to get back to you and provide support.