School Operations from 8th March 2021

We are all looking forward to welcoming our children back to school on Monday 8th March. 

Our school will use the plans that we successfully used in the Autumn term. These follow the Department for Education control measures and helped us to minimise the number of bubbles that we had to close from September to December.

How parents can help us keep our school safe

We encourage parents to wear a face covering when dropping off or picking up children. Staff will not be enforcing this but we strongly request that parents wear a face covering. We also ask that only one adult attends the school at the start and end of the day.

Parents must:

  • inform the school immediately if their child receives a positive test result for COVID.

  • avoid making contact with other families during school drop-off and collection.

  • continue to observe social distancing and follow one-way routes where these are in operation.

  • minimise the time that they are at the school. Parents should avoid arriving early and must

  • make sure that they leave swiftly once their child/children have gone into school/been collected.

  • avoid long conversations with staff – please email any questions to and we will ensure that we get back to you.

  • not come into the school office without an appointment.

We also ask that parents continue to follow the rules regarding meeting other families outside of school. These will change over the next few months but families must follow government guidance so that we can minimise the spread of Coronavirus across our community.

Contact tracing

If your child receives a positive result for coronavirus please let the school know immediately by emailing If we receive a positive test result for a child then we will notify their close contacts telling them to self- isolate for a period of time.

Breakfast Club and After School club

Breakfast Club will be open from 7:30am on Monday 8th March, the cost is £5 per session and places must be booked in advance on our sQuid online payment system. Happy Herons will also be open from Monday 8th March, starting at 15:30 and finishing at 18:00. The cost is £7.50 per session and places must be booked in advance on sQuid.

School Dinners

Hot meals will be provided by our catering team. School dinners are free to children in Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and children whose families are in receipt of a qualifying benefit. School meals are charged at £2.75 per day and can be paid for in advance on our sQuid system.

Water fountains will remain switched off so please provide your child with a water bottle from home.

School iPads

If your child has borrowed a school iPad over the lockdown period, please ensure it is returned on Monday 8th, along with the charger, ready for them to use in school. Unfortunately, we do not have any spare devices should these not be returned.


The government have stated that attendance at school will return to being compulsory from 8th March. If you have any concerns about returning to school please email

Finally, a big thank you to all parents for their support with home learning during the last two months. The work that has been uploaded to Showbie/Tapestry has been incredible. We know that there might be some concerns about missed learning. We want to reassure parents that children made tremendous progress during the Autumn term and we are confident that this will happen again when classes fully reopen in March.


RSE Parent Consultation response


School closure and remote learning- please read