School closure and remote learning- please read
Dear Parents,
On the 1st January, the government made changes to its plans for the opening of schools in January. All primary schools in London will now start the spring term with remote learning.
This means that we have to close our school classrooms, children will not attend school but will continue their learning at home via Showbie (Y1 to 6) and Tapestry (Nursery and Reception).
We will be hosting a provision for vulnerable children and for families where parents are key workers (see below).
Remote learning will start on the first day of the term for children – Tuesday 5th January. Class teachers will send information about the activities available, and their timing, on Monday 4th January.
If your child is eligible to attend the provision for key worker families and vulnerable children, you will have received a link to register your child(ren) for a place. Further details regarding this provision have been sent.
If you need any further support at this time please e-mail our school office
We understand that the government is keeping this situation under close review with the intention of opening classrooms as quickly as possible. We are currently planning for our classrooms to be closed for at least the first two weeks of term. We will send further updates when we are given information from the Department for Education.