Welcome back and update on school operations

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we start the new half term, we have the chance to reflect on the first part of this academic year. We would like to thank everyone in our school community, parents, staff and our amazing children, for working hard to keep us all safe. The return to school over the last two months was incredible and we have seen lots of fantastic learning.

At this point, schools have been given no updated guidance about their operations so we will not be making any significant changes to our current arrangements. We will, of course, update parents of any future changes.

In line with the Prime Minister’s announcement on Saturday, schools will be open throughout the next period of restrictions. Children should attend school unless they are unwell, are showing one of the symptoms of Coronavirus (high temperature, continuous cough, sudden loss of taste or smell) or they have been directed to self isolate.

If children are told to self isolate then our remote learning plan will be put into place. Daily learning will be published and there will be regular contact with teachers. We have appointed a Virtual Teacher who will support the learning of any pupils who have to self isolate when their class is in school. This will start soon.

We have the following specific request for parents. As new restrictions come in, we remind all parents that they must practise social distancing in and around the school grounds. At this time, we have to ask all parents to leave the school premises swiftly. Parents are not to stay in the school grounds talking with other parents.

Some teachers might be available for urgent short chats but we ask that non-urgent messages are communicated by phone or email to the school office. If you do talk to a member of school staff please do not be offended if we ask you to step back or we direct you to phone or email the office.

We thank all parents for their support and for keeping their distance at the start and end of each day.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do contact us on sao@heronsgate.greenwich.sch.uk


Reception information for new parents


Welcome to the new year