Measurement in Maths

The pictures show our incredible understanding of measurement. In EYFS the children begin to explore the language related to measurement and this leads on to in KS1 where they begin to apply that language to compare, describe and order different measurements. As the children move up the school, with the help of small steps, they build their confidence to apply their knowledge of measurement to a range of problems.

Non-Standard Measurement in Nursery

In Nursery the children explored non standard measurement using tangerines. It was an incidental activity however, it soon became popular and the children started to measure a range of things with fruit. This encouraged systematic working, learning to say numbers in order and using vocabulary around length.

Comparing Length and Height in Year 1

The Year 1 children have been learning to compare length and height. They were able to verbally use the correct language to identify what object is taller, shorter and longer.

Calculating Perimeter in Year 4

In Year 4, we have learnt how to calculate the perimeter of rectilinear shapes by combining the lengths of all the sides. We have been learning to ensure that we have included all the sides, for example if the shape is a hexagon that we have totalled 6 sides altogether.

Creating Pie Charts in Year 6

In Year 6, children created their own pie charts. They were able to use the total and think about how one child and how many degrees that represented.


French Fluency


Comparing Differences in History