Comparing Differences in History
The development of the children’s understanding of historical diversity in past societies is shown below. They have looked at the differences between then and now and begun to discuss the reasons for this.
Sequencing Stories in EYFS
EYFS looked at the sequence of events in core stories. As such the children are beginning to to order events in time: first, next , last. They also looked at change and how we have changed over time. For this, they had a baby area set up and talked about their families. As such they looked at history that was very specific and relevant to the children.
Toys from the Past in Year 1
The picture show the work of a Year 1 child who has been learning about the diversity of toys according to whether the children where from rich or poor families during the 1800s. They discussed the differences in material and details within these toys.
Roman Life in Augmented Reality!
The picture shows the work of a Year 4 child who has been finding out about the diversity of Roman society. They have chosen to make an augmented reality about a Roman slave and produced a video and voice over explaining their role compared to other members of that society.
King Canute in Year 6
The picture shows the work of a Year 6 child who has researched and written a poem about King Canute. They learnt about the diversity within the vikings society. In this lesson, they focused on the ruling elite and King Canute‘s role within his reign in comparison to other kings during this era.