Significance in History
We are proud to show the learning in various history units across the school. They reflect our work on the concept of Significance where we identify and describe historically significant people and events and why they are significant.
Significant Story Characters in Reception
We have been learning that particular people are important (significant) to us and why. In the story called ‘Best Friends’, two friends are not allowed to see each other and we discussed how this makes them feel unhappy and better again when they are back together. This shows how other people can affect us.
Year 2 Wonderful Woolwich
In our local history topic, we have compared our modern houses with those of workers in the Royal Arsenal munitions factory a hundred years ago. We are beginning to understand the significance of the introduction of electricity and modern plumbing to housing at that time and how it changed everyone’s life.
Year 3 Ancient Egypt
We researched the significance of the annual event of the flooding of The River Nile for society in Ancient Egypt. Having learnt about how the seasons were based on this, we summarised our learning in a mind-map.
Year 6 Vicious Vikings
We learnt to use research to find out about King Canute and his historical significance. We could create a labelled portrait or a poem describing his key points, which was followed up later with discussion about his significance as a King within 11th Century Britain.