Building Healthy Bodies

This term all year groups have been working with our Sportacus coaches during PE lessons, playtimes and timetabled group sessions. 

Physical Games in Reception

Sportacus coaches have been joining Reception classes and facilitating opportunities for children to join in PE games and skills during their free flow learning time. These sessions have taken place in the Reception outdoor area using a range of equipment such as hoops, cones, balls and skipping ropes. 

Sports Inclusivity in KS1

Sportacus coaches have been working with KS1 during their playtimes to facilitate a range of games and skills such as football other team games. The coaches have also spent time facilitating PE games for children in our SEND Nest provision at lunch time play, to ensure that all children have the opportunity to take part and develop their physical skills. 

Strategy and Teamwork with LKS2

Lower Key Stage 2 have been working with Sportacus coaches during their (OAA) outdoor adventurous activities PE lessons.  This allows pupils to develop problem solving skills through a range of challenges. Pupils work independently, as a pair and in a small group to plan, explore, solve, reflect and improve on strategies. Pupils learn what makes a good team and explore key skills such as inclusion and trust. Pupils begin to learn to orientate a map, identify key symbols and draw and follow routes.

Dance and Gymnastics with UKS2

Upper Key Stage 2 have been working with Sportacus coaches in dance and gymnastics lessons. In both, they have been developing their dance and gymnastics skills and then putting them together to perform dance and gymnastics routines. The children’s final performances have been recorded and celebrated on Showbie, where the children have then reviewed and reflected on the skills they have learnt and displayed. 


A Look At Faiths


Healthy Vocabularies