The Exploration Stage in Art
In this Art report we are focusing on the exploration stage of an art unit. This is the beginning part of the learning journey where children explore an artist or theme by looking at the art works and analysing them through questioning. In EYFS it is slightly different so we will focus on outcomes of different explorations they do throughout the year.
Watercolours in EYFS
The children in Reception explored the book ‘Super duper you’ as a part of their Me, Myself and I topic. The children experimented with water colours and represented things about themselves such as their likes and dislikes.
Portraits in Year 1
In Year 1 children explored many different portraits and self-portraits in order to understand what the features of them were. They considered what an artist used to make the artwork, what colours were used, how they felt about the artwork, how the portraits were different and what they learnt about the person from the portrait. They recorded their ideas using voice notes on Showbie.
Exploring Materials in Year 4
In conjunction with our history topic (The Edwardians and WW1) Year 4 explored a range of existing memorials featuring both realistic and more abstract aspects. They researched the materials used; how it reminds people about the event commemorated and they watched different sculptors in the process of sculpting.
Exploring Textiles in Year 6
Pupils in Year 6 have been exploring textiles, inspired by the work of British artist, Louise Baldwin. By deciding upon a design, cutting out key pieces and visually arranging them, the pupils were able to evaluate and finalise their ideas with a range of sewing techniques.