Mental Health in PSHCE
In PSHCE, the children have been learning about mental health and how we can grow together mentally by supporting one another. They learned about the various factors that can affect their mental health both positively and negatively. They explored strategies that can help them to maintain good mental health and recognise when they may need help as well as who to talk to for that help.
Time Outside in Nursery
In Nursery, the children spend plenty of time outside. They play with friends and enjoy a variety of activities. In this way they are learning the positive impact of socialising, exercise and fresh air on their mental health. They are also encouraged to recognise and talk about their feelings.
Year 2 Exploring Music
In Year 2, the children were exploring the effect that music can have on our emotions. They listened to a variety of music genres and expressed how it made them feel with colours. They found that music can positively impact their mental health and that the type of music may be different for each individual.
Year 4 Support Balloons
In Year 4, the children drew their support network in the form of hot air balloons. It was a thoroughly relaxing activity that reminded the children that they are loved, cared for and supported by others in all areas of their lives. Children understand that as they mature, their support network can change but they will always have others that will be there for them.
Year 6 Looking at Changes
In Year 6, the children looked at how we have changed since we were a baby both physically and mentally. They had fun looking at baby pictures of their classmates as well as their Year 6 teachers. In class, they discussed how feelings change over time and how negative feelings do not always last forever. As well as this, the children were able to identify how they react now when they’re feeling sad/lonely/happy is different to how they reacted when they were younger - they are now more mature and understand the importance of communication.