Working Together in PE
In the photos below, children across all year groups are demonstrating how they are taking part in indoor and outdoor activities which involve team building and working together as team in a range of sports and physical activities.
The Basics of Dance in Reception
In Reception, the children have been focusing on dance in PE. They have been learning about the 5 basic body actions such as: stillness, turns, jumps, gestures and travelling. They have been demonstrating these skills in their dance lessons and working with a partner to create a routine. The children have worked together to decide which movements to use and in what order to perform to their class.
Team Building and Cooperation in Years 1 & 2
This half term, Year 1 and 2 have been taking part in team building lesson with our Sportacus coaches. They have been taking part in a number of physical activities which involve listening to each other, making and following instructions and working together as a team to complete a range of activities. The KS1 children who use our Nest provision have also been joining in our whole class coaching lessons and taking part to work on their team work skills with the class.
Creating Aerobics Routines in Year 4
In PE lessons, Year 4 children worked together in groups of three to develop high-energy, enthusiastic aerobics routine videos. One team member was a leader and main instructor, while the others demonstrated higher and lower ability versions of the actions.
Technique, Teamwork, and Sports, in Years 5 & 6
In Year 5 and 6, children have been working on different team sports such as football and netball. They have been learning about the skills involved to pass a ball accurately to a team member to help shoot and score goals. They have been focusing on teamwork and how communication is important when playing matches. They have also been working together to create dance sequences and performed them to their class as a group.