SEND(ing) a Message

Attention Autism (Bucket) intervention - EYFS

In early years, we have been focusing on building children’s attention through the implementation of the Attention Autism (Bucket) intervention. This supports children’s ability to attend to an activity for an extended period of time, within a social setting. 

Improving Listening - KS1

For our KS1 pupils who access the Nest, we have started the new Little Wandle programme that promotes listening skills. This programme supports in  building children’s attention whilst on the carpet, during circle time. 

Social Skills Training - LKS2

In LKS2, the children have been engaging in Turn Taking games. As seen in the image, the children are holding different symbolled cards. One read’s “My turn” and the other reads “I’m waiting.” This really helps to support our children’s attention and listening skills as well as build on their social skills. 

Learning Through Speaking - UKS2

Children are building on their listening and attention skills through the whole school focus on oracy this term. Children are both learning to talk and learning through talk. They are beginning to show an understanding of what ‘active listening’ looks like and are regularly practising this in class. 


Year 1 visit Creekside


Photons, Magnets, Waves