Developing Goals in PSHE
The photographs celebrate our strong progress in developing our goals and aspirations as part of a new year and a new start. Children understand that each goal is personal to them based on their individual strengths and weaknesses. They choose goals that are achievable and understand that long term goals can be divided into smaller steps in order for them to achieve.
Celebrating New Year in Reception
In Reception, children celebrate the New Year and begin to understand that it is a new start. They also look at New Year celebrations around the world including China, Iran and Persia and how each country celebrates it differently through food, story and dance.
New Year Resolutions in Year 2
In Year 2, children looked at what resolutions are achievable. For example, not eating chocolate all year might be quite difficult for some children but perhaps making healthier choices would be more achievable and also a good life choice. They begin to understand that resolutions are personal and not everyone’s resolutions are the same.
Role Models in Year 4
In Year 4, children look at good role models and why they aspire to be like that person. They look carefully at that person’s characteristics such as resilience, patience and kindness. They understand that these are traits that can help them achieve their own personal goals as sometimes they need to be broken down into small steps as it may take hard work and a long time to achieve their final goal.
Learning Humility in Year 5
In Year 5, the children learn about humility. They understand to achieve their personal goals they need support from others. Children are taught to respect all those that helped – from those that inspired them to those that helped keep their classrooms clean for them to work hard. Children understand that everyone’s contributions and help are valued.