Fieldwork in Geography
The development of children’s Place Knowledge this term is identified below.
This helps to support our geographical intent of securing fieldwork provision across the school by allowing children to study first hand the human and physical geography of their own or another locality and compare it with a diverse area.
Mapping out immediate surroundings in Reception
This picture shows the work of a child in Reception learning about ‘Our Local Community.’ They have explored a range of maps in class and how they represent the real world. They have walked around the school. Now they have applied their understanding by drawing their own map of Heronsgate, developing their knowledge of place for their local area.
Aerial photographs and local exploration with Year 1
This picture shows the work of a Year 1 child who has used aerial photographs to identify human and physical features of the local area. They then went on a trip and identified those features as they walked from school, to the River Thames and into Woolwich. This developed their sense of place in the local area.
International climate comparisons in Year 3
This picture shows the work of a Year 3 child, who has compared the climates of the UK and locations in the USA to create a recorded weather report to explain the similarities and differences. This shows the preparation for this where the child has noticed how proximity to the Equator and other factors can affect climate and weather in a particular place.
Effects of extracting natural resources with Year5
This picture shows the work of a Year 5 child, who has compared the effect of extracting natural resources from two contrasting localities in the UK and in Borneo. They have identified how this type of activity has changed that location from what it was like as a place before to how it is afterwards.