Science Skills
The photographs celebrate our strong progress in developing our Science Skills - the cornerstone of Science! Whether asking questions, making observations and predictions, carrying out practical enquiry or communicating conclusions, our pupils are showing brilliant progress in the development of their Science Skills.
Discovering Science in Nursery
In Nursery, our children discover Science in the world around them. When blowing into straws, they were encouraged to predict what would happen and observe what they saw. The teacher supported them to make connections between how hard they blew and the distance the paint moved, using simple scientific language.
Practical Enquiry in Science
In Year 1 carried out practical enquiry by performing a simple test to develop their understanding of senses. This picture shows how this child has explored their sense of ‘taste’ and communicated their findings.
Comparative and Fair Testing in Year 3
Year 3 carried out a practical enquiry using comparative and fair testing. They learnt about translucent, transparent and opaque materials and investigated the question, ‘Which material would make a good set of curtains for a doctor on a night shift?’ They predicted, then observed, what happened with a range of materials and drew simple conclusions.
Phases of the Moon in Year 5
In Year 5, the children used practical equipment to embed their understanding of the phases of the moon. They drew on their observations to understand how the moon phases arise and change, and produced videos explaining their discoveries. The outcomes demonstrated Year 5’s excellent use of scientific enquiry skills and their ability to record and present data in a variety of ways.