Enquiry Skills in Science
This term in science children have been developing their enquiry skills.
Cause and Effect in Nursery
Children in Nursery have been exploring cause and effect, using alternative materials to make the water wheels turn. They have been using rice, and exploring how different amounts of rice can affect the speed of the wheel. We noticed that a little bit of rice makes the wheel turn slowly, whereas a lot of rice (such as a cupful or handful) makes the wheel turn very fast!
Investigating Materials in Year 1
In Year 1 children have been using their scientific enquiry skills to carry out fair testing to see which material would absorb the most water in order to make the most effective mop. As a class they planned an investigation thinking about what variables needed to stay the same and which ones could change. They then made predictions before conducting their investigation.
Seeds Enquiry in Year 3
During spring term children in Year 3 have been learning all about plants. They have been using enquiry skills to carry out observations over time along with carrying out comparative tests on seeds. During one of their investigations, they placed carnations into coloured water and made predictions about what might happen to the flowers. They then observed the flowers over a space of time and recorded their findings.
Forces in Year 5
Year 5 have been learning all about forces. During the topic so far, they have been carrying out lots of different enquiries to explore friction, water resistance, air resistance and gravity. They have carried out different comparative tests linking to the different types of forces. The children have been able to carry out the different investigations and record their findings in tables, charts and graphs.