Start of term in Year 5 and 6

Upper Key Stage 2 have had a brilliant start to the year! The new Year 6's have shown wonderful maturity, stepping naturally into their position as the 'oldest' in the school and are setting a brilliant example to the younger year groups. Year 5 are well settled and have shown tremendous commitment and eagerness to learn.

In the Year 6 topic, Crime and Punishment, the children are learning about justice and how it looked through the ages. They were fascinated to learn how justice looked different for men and women in Roman times and enthusiastically took part in their own Viking debates.

Our Year 5's are learning about renewable resources and sustainability in their Geography topic 'Enough for Everyone?'. They are excitedly looking forward to their upcoming trip to the Royal Observatory, where they will deepen their understanding of their Science topic, Space.

Do have a look at all the amazing learning happening in your child's Showbie account!


Start of term in Nursery and Reception


Please read- is my child too ill for school?