Exploration in Art
The exploration stage of an art unit is the beginning part of the learning journey where children explore an artist or theme by looking at the art works and analysing them through questioning.
Painting in Reception
The children in Reception have been exploring painting, and how to effectively use water colours to represent their ideas. They experimented independently with colour mixing and different brush effects to create their pictures.
Exploring Turner in Year 2
In Year 2 children explored the work of William Turner, in order to understand what the main features of them were. They considered what colours were used and why and how they felt about the artwork. They used this research to inform the colour palette for their final piece.
Matisse Colour-mixing in Year 4
In conjunction with the English topic, ‘The Green Ship’, Year 4 explored colour mixing and water colours inspired by Henri Matisse. They created their final piece, recreating the storm which happens in the story.
Painting Styles in Year 5
Pupils in Year 5 have been exploring painting styles alongside learning about different climates and habitats. Year 5 worked hard to create different representations of climates, using a range of techniques including colour mixing and planning their piece.