Big Questions in RE
The thread of this term is investigation. After using the first lesson of a new unit to explore a concept, the children then use this knowledge and understanding to investigate how it applies within a religion. The pictures show what the children have learnt about a religion that will help them to answer the unit’s “big question”.
Chinese New Year in Nursery
This term Nursery have been learning about Chinese New Year. They have investigated the traditional story, food and dance related to this festival. The picture is one that was sent it from a nursery family. The children have encouraged to talk about celebrations that are important to them and also learn about how different class members celebrate special occasions.
Palm Sunday in Year 1
In Year 1, the children are working towards answering the big question ‘Why was Jesus welcomed like a king or celebrity by the crowds on Palm Sunday’. In order to help them answer this question, the children have investigated the Palm Sunday Easter story and learnt how palm leaves were used. The children created their own palm leaves and reflected on how they would welcome Jesus if they were Christians and Jesus came to the school.
Creation in Year 3
In the unit ‘How did the world begin?’, Year 3 children have been investigating how some of the world religions (Christianity, Islam and Judaism) believe the world was created. This child has demonstrated their understanding of the Muslim belief that Allah is the creator of all things by outlining the Muslim creation story with images.
Sikhism is Year 5
In Year 5, in order to answer the big question ‘What is the best way for a Sikh to show commitment to God (Waheguru)?’ the children have been investigating the different ways in which Sikhs show commitment within their daily lives. In this lesson, the children learnt about the Three Golden Rules: to remember God, to share and to earn an honest living. This child has reflected on the golden rules and thought about which they consider to be the most important and used their learning to consider how they could apply this to their own life.