Relationships in PSHE
The photographs celebrate our strong progress in developing our knowledge of the types of relationships that we have. We explore ways to ensure that they are healthy and positive including, body language, tone of voice, facial expressions and words spoken. From role play in EYFS to adapting our communication with a variety of people in Year 6. The children have a clear understanding of how to develop positive relationships whether that be in their class, a member of the community or a teacher.
Roleplay in Nursery
In Nursery, the children roleplay many of the various relationships that they see in everyday life. Here a child is demonstrating his knowledge of the role of a parent or caregiver. Feeding a baby and treating them gently.
Similarities and Differences in Year 1
In Year 1, children explore the similarities and differences between themselves and their friends from a poem. They then discussed how they themselves are different and similar. From this they understand that their differences is what makes them special and the important thing is that they respect each other’s differences.
Role Models in Year 3
In Year 3, the children have begun to investigate the potential negative aspects of relationships and how to navigate them. They discussed the pressure to do the wrong thing that can come from others and thought about ways to resist that pressure. They discussed a role model in their lives, displayed what makes them a good role model and how we can use a role model to resist the pressure to do the wrong thing.
Communication in Relationships in Year 6
In Year 6, the children have been looking at different types of relationships we have in life. They looked at how they can communicate with others even by not saying a word: body language, facial expressions and tone of voice. The children were able to look at different ways of communication and how they may be appropriate for some relationships but not others.