Progression in Gymnastics
We are proud to show the progression of skills in gymnastics across the school from EYFS to Year 6.
Reception PE Lessons
The Reception children have been taking part in their first PE lessons this term. They have been learning a range of skills in gymnastics such as getting into a space, moving in different ways and changing direction. The children have explored different ways to move such as running, hopping, sliding and crawling and completed activities where they have had to negotiate the space around them and jump on and off of equipment such as mats and benches safely.
Movement in Year 1
In Year 1, the children have learnt different movements in their gymnastics sessions such as the pike and tuck position and how to land correctly when jumping. The children have learnt to make sure they always have strong arms and legs in all the travelling movements and when holding a position. At the end of the unit, the year 1 children put together a sequence that involved a jump, a travel and a held gymnastic position.
Movement and Balance in Year 4
In Year 4, the children have worked with the coaches on gymnastics skills of movement and balance. They made effective use of equipment to explore these skills and present their own movements, balances and routines individually and together working as teams. We saw a lot of creativity and innovative ideas, including names for some of their positions, such as ‘The Twin Ice Cream Cone’ (not pictured).
Routines in Year 6
Year 6 have been building on all of their previous years of gymnastics experience to create balance and movement routines with even greater poise, control, flexibility and team work.