Exploration in Art
The photos focus on the exploration stage of an art unit. This is the beginning part of the learning journey, during which the children explore a theme or an artist by looking at pieces of art and analysing them through questioning. In EYFS, it is slightly different, so the focus is on the outcomes of different explorations throughout the year.
Self portraits in Reception
In Reception, the children explored self portraits. They found out what a self portrait is. Then they spent some time creating their own self portraits. They used different mediums to create some of their features, such as their hair.
Features of a Portrait in Year 1
In Year 1, children explored what a portrait was in order to understand what the features of a portrait were. They considered what they liked and what they didn’t like about the portraits. They thought about what colours were used and how the portrait was created. They also discussed how the portrait made them feel.
Modelling Clay in Year 4
In Year 4, the children explored using modelling clay. The children found out how to mould clay ready in preparation for making a World War One memorial statue prototype. Once the pot had dried, the children reflected on improvements that could be made to ensure the memorial would not crumble, would be durable and be a reflection of the final outcome.
Elizabeth Catlett in Year 6
In Year 6, children explored the concept of justice using Elizabeth Catlett as inspiration. As a starting point, they explored her work. They thought about and discussed what justice means to them. They also thought about what they felt passionate about.