Human and Physical Geography
We are proud to show the learning in various geography units across the school. They reflect our work on Human and Physical Geography, where we learn about human and physical processes and the interactions between humans and physical environment.
Small World in Nursery
The use of small world resources introduces the ideas of how people interact with the world around them for example in farming and construction. The children develop their use of geographical terms such as countryside and town and how to describe these.
Wonderful Woolwich in Year 1
As part of our topic Wonderful Woolwich, Year 1 learnt about what human and physical features were. We then as a class used arial photographs to identify the human and physical features of our local area and the interaction between them.
Outrageous Outdoors in Year 4
In our topic, we have been finding out about the interactions between humans and the physical environment of two contrasting counties of the UK-Greater London and Cumbria. We have made a tourism video to highlight what is special and unique about Cumbria and how we can maintain this status as well as improve the environment there. We have then applied this to how we can improve the environment of our own locality of Greater London too.
Enough for Everyone in Year 5?
In Year 5, the children learnt about the impact of extracting resources in two locations. They researched the advantages and disadvantages of open cast coal mining and the impact on communities in Druridge Bay (UK). They also explored how deforestation, for palm oil plantations, has affected the declining population of orangutang in Borneo. The children reflected on how they feel about the results of resource extraction and what makes these two locations special and unique.